North Island - Powell River
EDA Meeting
Jan 8, 2016
EDA members present:
- Leroy McFarlane
- Doug Cowell
- Mark de Bruijn
- Dave Ferguson
- Jonathan Kerr
Invited Guests
- Mark Tapper
- Ricarda Van Orden
- Cynthia Barnes (by phone)
- Sue Moen
- Michael Mascall
- Brenda Sayers
Summary of Action Items by Person:
- Will ask Don/Pam: can the EDA pay for auditor expenses?
- Ask Sue if she received receipt from Virgin (cell phone, Powell River)
- Ricarda will price out options for AGM locations
- Submit Campaign financial report to auditor
- Will start on EDA report for auditor
- Finalize and distribute meeting minutes
- Check NIPR email account to further campaign expenses
- Liaise with Andrea from GPC to discuss specifics around AGM
- Will develop “role descriptions” for EDA functions/roles
- Determine Powell Riverites’ preference or AGM attendance (in person vs. skype vs. teleconference vs. parallel meetings)
Mark de Bruijn
- Chair the AGM Planning Committee
- Call to Order and Introductions
- Nomination of meeting chair
- Motion to nominate Leroy as meeting chair by: Jonathan
- Seconded by: Doug
- Unanimously approved
- Suggestion for a rotating chair
- Nomination of meeting secretary
- Motion to nominate Jonathan as meeting secretary by: Doug
- Seconded by: Leroy
- Unanimously approved
- Motion to accept agenda
- Motion to accept by: Doug
- Seconded by: Mark de B.
- No items added
- Unanimously approved
- Review of the minutes from the last meeting
- Motion to accept by: Doug
- Seconded by: Dave
- Unanimously approved
- Review and Accept the 6 Green Party Principles
Respect for Diversity Ecological Wisdom
Social Justice Non-Violence
Sustainability Participatory Democracy
- Motion to accept by: Leroy
- Seconded by: Jonathan
- Unanimously approved
- Financial Update
- Leroy and David have been in contact with auditor (Stacey Campbell)
- Report will be mailed to auditor on Monday by Dave
- Extension granted to file with Elections Canada until March 21, 2016
- $50.90 remaining in campaign account (will be transferred to EDA)
- Remaining salary of $450 owed to Campaign Chair
- Ask Sue if she received receipt from Virgin (cell phone, Powell River)
- EDA bank account balance approximately $1500 (covering 2 loans)
- Annual General Meeting
- Background:
- Last AGM was Dec 6, 2014
- Must be before March 6th
- Requires a 30 day notice to members
- Date range: Feb 8th to March 6th
- Date chosen:
- Feb 21st, 6:30-8:30pm
- Location options:
- Ricarda will price out options? (Willow Point?)
- Goals:
- Focus on formal duties
- Vote new EDA Executive
- Powell River involvement:
- Parallel meetings vs. Skype vs. Teleconference vs. In Person
- Establish a Planning Committee:
- Mark de B. (Chair)
- Jonathan (Communications + Liaising with GPC Head Office)
- Cynthia (Powell River)
- Ricarda (Voting procedures)
- EDA membership
- Consideration # 1: Geographical representation
- Comox / Courtenay
- Jonathan Kerr
- Dave Ferguson
- Meghan?
- Karina?
- Black Creek / Merville
- Leroy McFarlane
- Ricarda
- Doug
- Mark de Bruijn
- Mark Tapper
- Campbell River / Quadra
- Michael Mascall
- Robin?
- Don and Janet Rowthorn?
- Mandy?
- (ask Sue others?)
- Powell River
- Cynthia Barnes
- North Island
- Ask Sue if others?
- First Nations
- Ask Brenda
- Comox / Courtenay
- Consideration # 2: EDA Functions / Roles
- Assistant CEO
- Financial Director / Financial Agent
- Membership Director
- Fundraising Director
- Volunteer Director
- Communications Director
- Policy Director
- Events Director
- Election Readiness Director
- Youth Engagement Director
- Powell River Director
- North Island Director
- Secretary
- Role descriptions are being developed
- Each EDA Director will have a role and portfolio
- No “Directors at Large”
- Fundraising
- EDA members suggested to make 2016 EDA donations early this year
- New EDA Executive will establish a Fundraising Director
- New business
- Powell River activities
- Climate Action advocacy work ongoing
- Next meeting date
- Date/Time: Monday, Jan 25th at 1:30pm
- Chair TBD
- Motion to adjourn
- Motion to adjourn by: Jonathan
- Seconded by: Mark de B.
- Unanimously approved
Does greensofnorthisland issue membership Identification or in fact does Greens of Canada or BCGreens do this?
Hi Bruce, thank you for the excellent question.
A membership in The Green Party of Canada is issued by The Green Party of Canada.
The North Island Powell River Greens have formed an Electoral District Association, under the Green Party of Canada banner.
The BC Green Party is a provincial party, and has a separate membership process.
I hope this makes sense.
Jonathan Kerr
Communications Director
North Island – Powell River Greens