
The North Island – Powell River Federal Green Party Association (NIPR Greens)


was recognized by Elections Canada on February 2, 2015.  The Electoral District Association (EDA) was founded at a meeting in Merville on December 6, 2014 in response to the change in Electoral Boundaries which came into effect once the writ was dropped for the October 2015 federal election.  A dedicated group of members began creating the foundations of a strong EDA through strategic planning, beginning the candidate search, distributing a newsletter and scheduling outreach meetings in communities throughout the Riding.

Meet the Executive Members

The North Island - Powell River Green Party core team members.

Green Party Core Values

The Green Party of Canada’s six fundamental principles: Non-violence, sustainability, social justice, ecological wisdom, participatory democracy, respect for diversity.

View Our Amended Constitution

Our EDA’s 25 Constitutional Policies

Green Party of Canada

Take a closer look at National issues and the Green Party of Canada’s vision for a better future.

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