Intros – 20 minutes
NIPR-FGPA history, goals, and progress – 20 minutes
Group Priorities / Feedback & Ideas / Possible Candidates – 30 minutes
Next Steps – 20 minutes
Informal discussions
- Stated NIPR-FGPA Goals:
- Raise $10,000 for EDA activities.
- Develop Regional Networks: Geographic Action Teams.
- Recruit 100 new GPC members.
- Run a successful candidate sure and be election ready.
- Execute a robust Communications Plan.
- Priorities/Feedback/Ideas:
Earning a Living
- Trade agreements / Revisit the more damaging ones, e.g. FIPA.
- Complete the First Nations Treaty process to create economic stability.
- Assuage fears of employees in resource extraction.
- Find organizations that provide re-training for new green technology.
- Greening up industry.
- Limiting / decreasing corporate power in the daily lives of Canadians.
- Regional Ecology - Fish farms.
- Restoring retirement age to 65 with full pension accessible at time of retirement.
- Guaranteed Living Income for ALL Canadians.
- Regional food security.
- Water: quality and security.
Access to Unbiased Information
- CBC – the importance of our national broadcaster.
- Restoring “Freedom of the Press”.
- Expanding local media.
- New and better access to Internet Media.
- New resources and ‘channels’.
- Concern re the concentration of the ownership of media in Canada.