2015 Green Party Platform For a Canada That Works. Together.

by | Sep 11, 2015

The Green Party of Canada is first out of the gate this election in launching its platform.  

Brenda Sayers, Green Party candidate for North Island – Powell River, joined Green Party Leader Elizabeth May (Saanich - Gulf Islands) this week to unveil the Green Party’s fully costed 2015 election platform to a crowd of cheering supporters in downtown Vancouver.

“I am looking forward to sharing the great ideas in this platform, focusing on the economy, jobs, education, healthcare, housing, and the environment, with the people of North Island – Powell River.” said Sayers.

“Our platform shows that the Green Party is the party of big ideas: the party that will ensure the 21st century is successful for all Canadian families. A Green caucus will work collaboratively to ensure that our ideas are put into practice for the benefit of our children and our grandchildren. Green MPs will make this plan a reality and champion their community’s values in Ottawa,” said May.

“The top of mind issue for Canadians is our economic future. Canada has the potential to capitalize on the single biggest business opportunity in human history – the shift to a green economy through cleantech and green infrastructure investments,” Ms. May said. “We must take advantage of this opportunity as our children are counting on us to create a future that is safe for them and their children.  Canadians understand that our economic success is linked to a healthy environment. We are the party of bold ideas that work and Greens believe Canadians are ready for decisive action that will make us world leaders again.”

“This platform is based on input and ideas from all of our members and candidates from across Canada.  We are launching it now, first of all the parties, because we think it is important that Canadians are able to see that our plan is costed and practical while demonstrating that we, as a country, can be bold and visionary.”

“Sustainable economic plans, aggressive climate action, democratic reforms, and national strategies to support our communities: this is what the Green Party stands for,” concluded May.

Working collaboratively with all parties in Parliament, the Green Party will achieve the following four pillars of our platform:


  • Sustainable Economy – Because tomorrow is serious business.
         ○ Establish a Canadian Sustainable Generations Fund that invests in skills-training, education, energy efficiency, renewables, and emerging technology, thereby creating Canadian jobs and supporting small businesses;
         ○ Commit $6.4 billion per year, one point of the GST, to municipal infrastructure; and
         ○ Partner with First Nations for sustainable resource development that is in the long-term public interest.


  • Strong Communities - Because Canada depends on it.
         ○ Expand Canada’s public health care to include a National Pharmacare program, saving Canadians $11 billion each year;
         ○ Cover dental costs for low-income youth
         ○ Implement a National Seniors Strategy with affordable, predictable home care support that allows ‘aging in place’;
         ○ Establish a Guaranteed Livable Income and a Housing First Strategy to eliminate poverty; and
         ○ Act to restore Canada’s humanitarian role in the world. 


  • Good Government - Because it’s time to restore democracy.
         ○ Slash the budget and excessive powers of the Prime Minister’s Office;
         ○ Reform Canada’s electoral system to prevent a minority of votes electing a majority government;
         ○ Establish a Council of Canadian Governments, that includes the federal government, provinces, territories, municipal/local governments, and First Nations, Metis and Inuit; 
         ○ Repeal Bill C-51 to defend Canadians’ Charter rights and privacy; and
         ○ Restore the role of evidence in our government decision-making-providing $75 million annually to add critical science capacity.


  • Bold Action on Climate - Because we live here. 
         ○ Defend our coastal waters from risky pipelines and tanker schemes;
         ○ Implement a Canadian Climate and Energy Strategy, eliminating the more than $1 billion dollars a year in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry; and
         ○ Introduce a Carbon Fee and Dividend system to put a price on carbon and pay the funds it generates directly to Canadians.

This week’s platform launch builds on the strong policies that Greens have already announced during this long election period, including our infrastructure investments, National Pharmacare program, National Housing Strategy, a Canadian-First approach to free trade, supporting our veterans, restoring Canada Post, protecting our coasts from pipelines, National Senior Strategy and action on climate.

The Green Party of Canada is the first federal party to unveil a fully costed 2015 election platform. 

View the Green Party’s platform online.

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