3:40 pm Call to order
- Appointment of Chair – Jacquie Miller, GPC British Columbia Organizer
- Appointment of Recording Secretary: Sue Moen
- No opposition to, or abstentions from, or additions to agenda. Agenda adopted as circulated
- Quorum verified: 14 of 109 registered members in good standing in attendance. 12 eligible to vote
Elections of Executive Officers/Members at Large
- The Chair explained the purpose of the EDA, the roles and responsibilities of the Executive and Members at Large.
- Dave Ferguson nominated Sue Moen as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Sue Moen accepted the nomination and spoke about her interest & qualifications. Receiving no other nominations from the floor, the vote was held and The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 % participation and unanimous choice, thus declaring Sue Moen CEO.
- Dave Ferguson self-nominated as Financial Agent (FA) and introduced himself. Receiving no other nominations from the floor, the vote was held and The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 % participation and unanimous choice, thus declaring Dave Ferguson as FA.
- Linda Swanton, Michael Mascall, Leroy McFarlane, Jonathan Kerr, Ian Button and Mark de Bruijn each self nominated to serve as Members at Large. Sue Moen nominated Doug Cowell who had previously declared interest and willingness in writing but was unable to attend the meeting. Each nominee introduced her/himself.
The Chair called for any opposition to or abstentions from voting for Members at Large as a slate. There was none, so receiving no other nominations from the floor, the Chair called for a show of hands to indicated acceptance of the slate. The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 % participation and unanimous choice, thus declaring the slate elected to the positions of Members at Large.
The Executive/Members at Large will determine which Member is interested in and suited to which Executive role at their first meeting.
- Moved by Jonathan Kerr, seconded by Linda Swanton, to adopt the Constitution as circulated. Hearing no opposition to, or abstentions from this motion it was carried.
4:25 pm Motion to adjourn – Jonathan Kerr.