My name is Brenda Sayers and I am from the Hupacasath First Nation. I am excited and honoured to be the Green Party candidate for the North Island - Powell River riding.
I would like to personally invite you to join Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada, and me for my Powell River Campaign Launch on Friday, July 31st.
We have two unique events planned for the day:
Intimate Luncheon with Elizabeth May and Brenda Sayers
Tree Frog Bistro, 4603 Marine Avenue
12:00 - 2:30pm
Cost: $50 (which includes a tax credit of $25)
Please call Joceyln to reserve your seat: 604-485-0010
An Evening with Elizabeth May and Brenda Sayers
Cranberry Senior Centre, 6792 Cranberry St
5:00 – 6:30 pm Family BBQ (by donation)
Music, food, fun and a chance to talk with Brenda and Elizabeth
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Brenda and Elizabeth will speak and answer questions
If you are not able to join us for either of these events, please watch the online calendar to see when Brenda is visiting your area.
It is truly an honour to be the Green Party candidate for the North Island Powell River Riding. I look forward to meeting you and your families.
Brenda Sayers
Candidate – North Island Powell River
Green Party of Canada
Join our growing North Island – Powell River volunteer team (click here).
Help Brenda get to Ottawa (click here).
Become a Green Party Member (click here).
Email us at: northislandgreens@gmail.com