“We need to see a real change in Ottawa. A change that is people-driven. I encourage you to vote your values.”
Brenda Sayers was introduced as the Green Party candidate for North Island - Powell River riding by Elizabeth May, Leader of The Green Party of Canada, on June 5th. The K’omoks Big Hall was packed with people and the event raised over $12,000 towards Brenda’s campaign during this fall’s election. You can visit our website so see a collection of pictures and videos from the event (click here).
As a proud member of the Hupacasath First Nation, Brenda Sayers fought the ratification of the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) for the past two-and-a-half years on behalf of her community and of all people of Canada. This experience has given Brenda the determination and drive to continue working for Canadians’ rights and liberty.
To learn more about Brenda, please read her profile on the North Island – Powell River website (click here).
You can follow Brenda’s travels across the riding by keeping an eye on our Online Calendar of Events (click here). There will be plenty of opportunities to meet Brenda in person in, or near, your community over this summer and autumn.
We also invite you to take a couple of minutes to read an article about “Democracy and Citizen Science”, written and submitted by Alert Bay resident and Green Party member David Faren (click here).
As transparency is an important Green Party value, you can view the meeting minutes from the most recent North Island – Powell River Federal Green Party Association meeting on June 23rd (click here).
Wondering how you can support Brenda’s campaign?
Join our growing North Island – Powell River volunteer team (click here).
Help Brenda get to Ottawa (click here).
Become a Green Party Member (click here).
Looking forward to connecting with you,
Sue Moen
Campaign Manager for Candidate Brenda Sayers
North Island - Powell River
Green Party of Canada
Visit our Website! (click here)
Email us at: northislandgreens@gmail.com