NIPR Greens Meeting Minutes and Reports
Welcome to the new EDA Executive Team
As approved by the membership at the Annual General Meeting on February 21st, 2016, here is a list of the North Island - Powell River Federal Green Party Association Executive Team members and their respective roles. (Please see the graphic below) To learn more about...
EDA Executive Meeting Minutes – Jan 25, 2016
North Island - Powell River EDA Meeting Jan 25, 2016 EDA members present: Leroy McFarlane Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn Dave Ferguson Jonathan Kerr Invited Guests Mark Tapper Ricarda Van Orden Karina Thygesen Robin Cahill Cynthia Barnes (by phone, Powell River) Raymond...
EDA Executive Meeting Minutes – Jan 9, 2016
North Island - Powell River EDA Meeting Jan 8, 2016 EDA members present: Leroy McFarlane Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn Dave Ferguson Jonathan Kerr Invited Guests Mark Tapper Ricarda Van Orden Cynthia Barnes (by phone) Regrets: Sue Moen Michael Mascall Brenda Sayers ...
June 23rd North Island – Powell River EDA meeting minutes
Meeting Minutes from the June 23rd, 2015 North Island – Powell River EDA Executive Committee meeting
Minutes of Executive Committee meeting – May 24th
Meeting minutes from the May 24th North Island Powell River Electoral District Association Executive Committee meeting.
April meeting highlights – North Island Powell River
Highlights of this meeting include:
1) A review of the successful “Rock the Boat with Elizabeth May” event
2) Candidate search update
3) Budget update
Minutes: NIPR EDA – Founding Meeting
3:40 pm Call to order Appointment of Chair – Jacquie Miller, GPC British Columbia Organizer Appointment of Recording Secretary: Sue Moen No opposition to, or abstentions from, or additions to agenda. Agenda adopted as circulated Quorum verified: 14 of 109 registered...
Minutes: NIPR EDA – 03/11/2015
Present Sue Moen Dave Ferguson Linda Swanton Leroy McFarlane Ian Button Jonathan Kerr Michael Mascall Regrets Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn Invited Guests Steve Wood Summary of Action Items: Action item # 1: All EDA members are requested to send a short bio and...
Powell River Resource (Regional Network) Building Trip – 02/08/2015
Agenda: Intros – 20 minutes NIPR-FGPA history, goals, and progress – 20 minutes Group Priorities / Feedback & Ideas / Possible Candidates – 30 minutes Next Steps – 20 minutes Informal discussions Stated NIPR-FGPA Goals: Raise $10,000 for EDA activities....
Minutes: NIPR EDA – 12/19/2014
Present Sue Moen Dave Ferguson Linda Swanton Leroy McFarlane Ian Button Jonathan Kerr Regrets Michael Mascall Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn Call to Order Nomination of meeting secretary Jonathan EDA committee positions CEO Sue Moen Financial Agent Dave...