Must Reads from Last Week
Spreading the Word
If you have friends who are interested in any of the content of this blog, please feel free to share it far and wide. The fact that it comes from the Greens of North Island-Powell River (NIPR) doesn’t mean it is only relevant to people in that riding. Because all Greens are part of the Global Greens, we need to think outside our riding boundaries and connect with each other. Encourage your friends to subscribe to NIPR communications. Let’s connect across this vast riding, this vast country, and this vast but ultimately tiny planet.
Have Your Say About Did You Know…
If you’d like to respond to an article here, go to NIPR’s website and leave a comment. If you have ideas for future editions – remember, Did You Know… is weekly – go to NIPR’s website and leave a comment. If you have general feedback, go to NIPR’s website and leave a comment.
BC Electoral Reform Referendum
Part 1: Sierra Club BC endorses proportional representation
Sierra Club BC has posted an essay by Maria Dobrinskaya, from Make Every Voter Count Society, which is the official proponent in BC’s referendum. Locally, Fair Vote Comox Valley (as part of Fair Vote Canada/BC) is the most active group. It’s great to see different groups all working for the same end – an improvement to our democracy and hopefully an end to situations like Site C and LNG.
Part 2: BCGEU
… now has a campaign for proportional representation! You can sign the petition to take back control of our democracy. “The age of the political insider is drawing to a close: it’s time for citizens to take the wheel, to steer our government, our economy.”
Part 3: An information night on proportional representation
Feeling confused about the systems on offer in this referendum? Join Barb Berger of Fair Vote Comox Valley and Jamie Deith for what promises to be an interesting and enlightening evening. Jamie Deith has devised an exercise that he will conduct with the audience, an exercise that will clarify what values are most important to YOU in a voting system. You won’t want to miss this event!
Part 4: The trickle-up effect of the grassroots
“Grassroots movements are the conscience of the powerful. They ring a bell for those least likely to be heard. They create symbols to be remembered as well as slogans and songs that somehow are passed down from one generation to the next … This is a movement that is destined to cause a trickle-up effect that shakes the halls of government.” Read more.
Part 5: BC Liberal supporters lose court case to quash referendum
Remember the Independent Contractors and Business Association (ICBA) and their court case to stop the referendum, citing infringement of their constitutional rights? Well, they failed. Read more.
Open house re 3L Stotan Falls development application
Last week this blog stated that the open house on September 6 may not be a CVRD-sponsored open house. Well, that doubt is allayed – it IS a CVRD-sponsored open house on the Stotan Falls development request.
DATE/TIME: September 6, 7-8:30 pm
LOCATION: Florence Filberg Centre
Stand for the Peace
The monthly rally in front of Ronna-Rae Leonard’s MLA office in Courtenay:
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, September 11, 12:30 - 1:30
LOCATION: In front of MLA’s office, 436-5th Street, Courtenay
If you haven’t yet signed the Pledge as a Witness for the Peace, do so here.
IMPORTANT! This rally will demonstrate solidarity with Moberley Lake & Prophet River First Nations in their court case to protect the Peace River Valley. Bring a sign, bring a letter. Bring your outrage after reading this article by Sarah Cox on the government’s secretive Site C dam oversight board. Rally sponsored by Islanders for the Peace
Click here to sign the pledge to register support for the First Nations’ court case.
Merville rezoning petition for water extraction – DENIED
The rezoning application for bottling water in Merville was unanimously defeated by the CVRD. The applicant now intends to apply to the Strathcona Regional District to bottle the Merville water in their district. Click below to read the article. The Merville Water Guardians will continue with their petitioning to the BC Government and their campaign to stop water bottling from BC aquifers. They are also supporting the Council of Canadians campaign to review and improve the Water Sustainability Act. See article here.
Oil’s Deep State - Kevin Taft on the capture of our democracy
DATE/TIME: September 13, 2018; 7 pm (Doors 6:30)
LOCATION: Native Sons Hall, Upper Level
TICKETS: Student price $15. Everyone else $20
Don’t miss the Kevin Taft Tour! Taft will be speaking in Courtenay, about the deep tentacles that Big Oil has woven into the tapestry of government decision making.
5 cities, one question: “Who is really in charge?” To find out more and get your tickets, visit our website at (But hurry, seats are limited) Then spread the word. Because it matters, to all of us.
In the wake of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion decision that came down August 30, Taft has written a piece in the National Observer, aptly titled “Notley and Trudeau: no one to blame but themselves.”
Excerpt: “In important ways it is Stephen Harper’s revenge on Trudeau and Notley. The consultation and permitting began while Harper was prime minister. Under his leadership both the civil service and the NEB were transformed into organizations designed to serve the oil industry, even if that involved sacrificing due process. That sacrificing has come back in this ruling to sharply bite Trudeau and Notley.” [Emphasis mine.]
If you haven’t yet, please sign Elizabeth May’s Parliamentary petition opposing KM pipeline expansion & buyout: There are only 14,238 signatures thus far. The petition closes September 28, 2018, at 4:22 p.m. EDT. Please note that when you sign a Parliamentary petition, you have to wait for the email asking you to confirm your signature. Don’t miss that step.
Second Comox Valley Sustainability Forum
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, September 19, 7 pm
LOCATION: K’omoks Band Hall
Registration is required, though tickets are free.
The evening will begin with an introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, followed with an overview of the goals outlined in the Regional Growth Strategy and Official Community Plans and why these matter to the well-being of our Comox Valley communities. Five speakers will present information on a range of issues ranging from public health and local economic development to climate change and infrastructure. The Forum will address what is currently taking place in the Valley and how we can strengthen our commitment to build a more sustainable community. Read more.
Gay Pride
Part 1: B.C. rainbow flag opponent wants her own flag raised because “…flying a rainbow flag in Langley City was oppressive to non-gay people … In July, just before the rainbow flag was scheduled to be raised at Langley City hall for the second year in a row, Simpson demanded the city revoke approval of the event in a letter that complained the flag was “oppressive and used to direct hatred and contempt against anyone who dares challenge the LGBTQ narrative.” Yes, you read that right – LGBTQ2 people are promoting hatred and contempt against the people who promote hatred and contempt of LGBTQ2 people. Read more.
Part 2: Government of Canada is committed to further supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit and intersex policies domestically and abroad
As part of its commitment to supporting LGBTQ2 and intersex persons at home and abroad, Canada announced its intention to deliver on several policy commitments to improve the way it understands and supports LGBTQ2 and intersex communities and defenders on the world stage. Check out the various domestic and international efforts. Hopefully the government’s “commitment” will translate into action.
One Wave Gathering 2018
DATE/TIME: September 15, 12-8 pm
LOCATION: Centennial Square, Victoria
Program highlights include North and South Pacific presentations, art, food, as well as opportunities to explore social and environmental causes pertinent to the region. Join us for a day of dance, song, and celebration. You can enjoy some authentic indigenous cuisine with the Songhees Seafood and Steam food truck, and browse the village of local artisans, artists, and NGOs working on Pacific issues. Read more and check out their Facebook page.
Howe Sound Sustainable Development Forum
DATE/TIME: September 28, 2018; 10 am to 3 pm
LOCATION: Great Hall, Gleneagles Clubhouse, West Vancouver
“What’s the connection between affordable housing, a healthy marine environment, and decent work for all in the Howe Sound region? Join us at the Howe Sound Sustainable Development Forum as we connect the dots and promote local leadership through the power of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” Read more.
Site C:
Part 1: Update for Peace Valley Guardians: The Site C Injunction hearing will resume at 10 am on Sept 4 at the BC Supreme Court, 800 Smithe, in Vancouver. If you’re in the Vancouver area, please go witness the last four days of the hearing, which is scheduled to conclude on Sept 7. If it follows the previous schedule, each day will start at 10 am, and conclude around 4 pm, with a lunch break around noon. The hearing will be live tweeted by volunteers from FightC. Please invite your friends to follow & get updates on the injunction hearing.
Part 2: Court documents offer revealing glimpse of secretive Site C dam oversight board. “Previously unnamed ‘independent’ members of the ‘project assurance board’ include consultant who wrote pro-Site C report for construction trade unions.” Make sure you read the section on how well that ‘independent’ oversight is working. Also make sure you read Wendy Holm’s comment at the end of the article. She connects the Site C dam project with the distribution of Canadian water to the US. Read more.
Part 3: Why we should all be outraged by the BC government’s legal arguments Read more.
Part 4: Laila Yuile has a new blog post that sums up a lot of the government’s rhetoric around Site C and calls for people to turn our attention back to Site C.
Part 5: This stark graphic is on the Stop Site C Facebook page.
Kinder Morgan
Part 1: Court ruling August 30. “If the court rules in favour of the land and the water it shows that the government is misguided by oil interests. And should not buy the pipeline. If the court rules in favour of the government it throws into question just how deep oil interests have penetrated our democratic institutions.” See the First Nations press conference immediately after the decision was made public.
Part 2: Federal Court of Appeal quashes construction approvals for Trans Mountain, leaving project in limbo
“In a stunning blow, the Federal Court of Appeal has quashed the government’s approvals to build the Trans Mountain expansion project — a major victory for Indigenous groups and environmentalists opposed to the $7.4-billion project. In the decision released Thursday, and written by Justice Eleanor Dawson, the court found the National Energy Board’s assessment of the project was so flawed that it should not have been relied on by the federal cabinet when it gave final approval to proceed in November 2016. The certificate approving construction and operation of the project has been nullified, leaving the project in legal limbo until the energy regulator and the government reassess their approvals to satisfy the court’s demands. [Kinder Morgan] shareholders overwhelmingly approved the sale Thursday morning in Calgary in a previously scheduled vote held just after the court’s decision was released.” Read more. Of course, you can find coverage of this momentous victory pretty much anywhere.
Part 3: Green Party of Canada media release after Trans Mountain court decision Read more.
Part 4: There is actually some humour to be gleaned from all this…Notley sets fire to Banff National Park to protest pipeline ruling Read more.
While there is hope that the Trans Mountain decision will wake governments up to the need to truly reconcile with and recognize Indigenous peoples, there is yet another example in BC where that’s not happening
“A decades-long battle against the New Prosperity mine, proposed within the bounds of sacred Tsilhqot’in territory, ramps back up after judge rules “reconciliation may not be achieved.” Read more.
Fish farm updates
Updates range from the latest on the BC government’s fish processing compliance audit and Martin Sheen and Alexandra Morton’s harassment by government and industry to the Musgamagw Dzawada’nuewx court cases, one of which includes challenging the BC government’s month to month renewal of farm licenses without consultation. To support the Musgamagw Dzawada’nuewx Wild Salmon Defense fund click here.
Woman Warriors
Part 1: In conversation with Kanahus Manuel
“Kanahus Manuel has been called many names — a political activist, a pipeline protestor, a tiny house warrior, a freedom fighter, a traditional birth keeper, a tattoo artist, a land and water defender. She is also a granddaughter; her grandfather was George Manuel, once president of the National Indian Brotherhood. A daughter; her father, Arthur Manuel, wrote The Reconciliation Manifesto and Unsettling Canada, and he started the Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade organization. She is a sister. But first and foremost, Kanahus Manuel identifies as a mother. In recent weeks and months, Kanahus Manuel’s opposition to the troubled Trans Mountain oil pipeline and tanker expansion project has put her in the news, in front of cameras. Now, read her story” Read more.
Part 2: Global Affairs Canada announces pan-African initiative in support of women’s rights Read more.
Part 3: Voices of Impact: Women Leaders Shaping Global Change Symposium*
On August 25, Women change makers from around the globe engaged in dynamic conversations on unique initiatives and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Read more. No update found on how the symposium went. Sadly, of the 18 women speakers noted, 17 are White women.
Interestingly, though, one is an 11-year-old girl. Her bio is very interesting: “A mere eleven years of age, Aoibheann Mangan of Hollymount, County Mayo is the EU Digital Girl of the Year in the 11-14 category. This global Ambassador for coding and STEM for girls has spoken at the European Parliament and is the youngest person to run workshops at MozFest in London. Aoibheann has made four websites to date, winning awards such as People of the Year and Pride of Ireland, as well as three Eir Junior Spider awards and a Tech Week National Scratch award. Last year, her major project sought to use technology to help children in hospitals. Using conductive threads, she augmented a doll so it could be used to animate medical experiences such as receiving an injection or x-ray.”
(*Note: This symposium was part of the World Meeting of Families, “celebrating the Judeo-Christian tradition of the family,” which is an initiative of the Catholic Church.)
Amidst struggle, conflict and strife, spend a few moments here…and just breathe in the land
This piece is funny, touching, and profound. The photos are stunning. At the bottom of the piece, the Editor’s note tells us that this area has been ravaged by wildfires since the author was there. Please consider donating to the Tahltan Central Government’s wildfire recovery fund.
Excerpt: “You know the Matrix?”
“Yeah?” I feel my head tilt lightly to one side.
“I really like that movie. Especially that scene when Neo meets Morpheus for the first time, eh?”
Rattray describes one evening where he paused the video between each line so he could transcribe the dialogue.
“Morpheus says to Neo, ‘some people just know something is wrong. It’s like a splinter in their brain.’ ”
Rattray and I both look out to the valley as he continues. “I really like that line. I think a lot of people, you know, progressive people, they know something’s not right with the way things are. I believe they are connected with this innate, inherent hunter-gatherer spirit. The Tahltan believe in reincarnation. People, beings, they don’t die, they just start another journey. So these people are at a subconscious level feeling their hunter-gatherer roots. And they know something is wrong with how things are set up in our society.”
…And Vancouver Island just got a new marine wildlife area
The Scott Islands Marine National Wildlife Area was established in June. The area attracts 5 to10 million migratory birds each year. Many travel vast distances across the Pacific to feed in the area. Some, such as the Sooty Shearwater, are at risk globally. Read more.
The Green Party of Canada Biennial Convention is getting close
September 28-30, 2018. Read more. Convention 2018 is Sept 28-30 in Vancouver! Join us and help us build for success in 2019. Check out the list of speakers so far. An outline of the Convention schedule is available on the GPC website. There’s also a campaign school this year. On that note, if you haven’t already taken advantage of our Convention travel discounts, check them out now to see how you can save on your trip. Info and registration here.
The 2019 Federal election
Part 1: The discussion about privilege in the context of diversity: The GPC is encouraging all EDAs and organizers to be very aware of increasing diversity in the party. One of the basics of diversity awareness is to be aware of one’s own privilege. This video on privilege points out that everyone has some form of privilege over some other people. It’s not just something White people have. (We apologize for the compulsory ad.)
September 8 – Global Day of Action on Climate
Real climate leadership rises from the grassroots up. If you live elsewhere than the Comox Valley, find an event near you here. Sadly, there are no events scheduled locally.
Part 1: 350 Pacific: “350 Pacific is a youth led grassroots network working with communities to fight climate change from the Pacific Islands. 350 Pacific works with organisers across 15 Pacific Island nations to highlight the vulnerabilities of our island countries to climate change while showcasing our strength and resilience as a people. We work through existing networks and with a range of partner organisations who share in our vision for the Pacific and the planet. 350 Pacific has organised, and facilitated workshops to educate and empower youth in the region, we have organised days of action to raise awareness and we have participated in the UN climate negotiations. Now, we are mobilising the warriors of the Pacific Islands to challenge the fossil fuel industry.” 350 Pacific is part of
Part 2: Leading up to September 8 Global Day of Action – Vanuatu: Rising for our Ancestors
Vanuatu Climate Warriors are committed to #RiseForClimate
Part 3: Vietnamese youth who rise for climate: “30 young environmental leaders from 14 provinces and cities across Vietnam, just had an unforgettable week at the Vietnam Climate Leadership Camp in Binh Thuan Province. It was the 4th time a climate leadership camp had been organized by CHANGE/350 Vietnam to train Vietnamese youths to become climate organizers and campaigners, and the 2nd time under the name “Vietnam Climate Leadership Camp” or VCLC” Read more.
Part 4: Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum and the Mauritshuis end collaboration with Shell Oil Read more.
This new electric car has solar panels and can charge as you drive
Technology and our changing world
This blog has previously reported on smart cities (January 20, May 12, August 4). This is a further discussion on the challenges of smart cities, privacy, and data sharing during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Read more.