Minutes: NIPR EDA – Founding Meeting

3:40 pm Call to order Appointment of Chair – Jacquie Miller, GPC British Columbia Organizer Appointment of Recording Secretary: Sue Moen No opposition to, or abstentions from, or additions to agenda. Agenda adopted as circulated Quorum verified: 14 of 109 registered members in good standing in attendance.   12 eligible to vote Elections of Executive Officers/Members at Large The Chair explained the purpose of the EDA, the roles and responsibilities of the Executive and Members at Large. Dave Ferguson nominated Sue Moen as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Sue Moen accepted the nomination and spoke about her interest & qualifications.  Receiving no other nominations from the floor, the vote was held and The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 % participation and unanimous choice, thus declaring Sue Moen CEO. Dave Ferguson self-nominated as Financial Agent (FA) and introduced himself.  Receiving no other nominations from the floor, the vote was held and The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 % participation and unanimous choice, thus declaring Dave Ferguson as FA. Linda Swanton, Michael Mascall, Leroy McFarlane, Jonathan Kerr, Ian Button and Mark de Bruijn each self nominated to serve as Members at Large.  Sue Moen nominated Doug Cowell who had previously declared interest and willingness in writing but was unable to attend the meeting.  Each nominee introduced her/himself. The Chair called for any opposition to or abstentions from voting for Members at Large as a slate.  There was none, so receiving no other nominations from the floor, the Chair called for a show of hands to indicated acceptance of the slate.   The Chair and guest, Tina Biello, verified 100 %...

Minutes: NIPR EDA – 03/11/2015

Present Sue Moen Dave Ferguson Linda Swanton Leroy McFarlane Ian Button Jonathan Kerr Michael Mascall   Regrets Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn   Invited Guests Steve Wood   Summary of Action Items: Action item # 1: All EDA members are requested to send a short bio and picture to Sue ASAP. Action item # 2: For internal EDA communications, all EDA members are requested to use the following 3 subject headings: a) FYI,  b) Action, and c) Discussion. Please also attempt 1 subject per email. Action item # 3: Please use NIPR Gmail account for official communications with external organizations/individuals (all EDA members). Action Item # 4: Dave will ask GPC if a portion of revenue memberships sold will be given to the EDA. Action Item # 5: Linda will incorporate donation options at the bottom of every newsletter. Action Item # 6: Dave to add 3 items to the budget table: a) Reserve  b) Election Campaign  c) Emergency/Contingency Action Item # 7: Linda to research costs for newspaper adds / mail outs. Action Item # 8: Dave to draft a letter from EDA on the Coal Mine issue. EDA members to Action Item # 9: Leroy will distribute (to Ministry, MLA Weaver, etc) Action Item # 10: Sue and Michael to contact potential candidates and give them the deadline of March 20th for an answer.   Call to Order Nomination of meeting secretary Motion to accept by: Sue Seconded by: Jonathan Unanimously approved   Motion to accept agenda 2 items added (NIPR website and coal mine) Motion to accept by: Leroy Seconded by: Dave Unanimously approved   Adoption...

Powell River Resource (Regional Network) Building Trip – 02/08/2015

  Agenda: Intros – 20 minutes NIPR-FGPA history, goals, and progress – 20 minutes Group Priorities / Feedback & Ideas / Possible Candidates – 30 minutes Next Steps – 20 minutes Informal discussions Stated NIPR-FGPA Goals: Raise $10,000 for EDA activities. Develop Regional Networks: Geographic Action Teams. Recruit 100 new GPC members. Run a successful candidate sure and be election ready. Execute a robust Communications Plan. Priorities/Feedback/Ideas: Earning a Living Trade agreements / Revisit the more damaging ones, e.g. FIPA. Complete the First Nations Treaty process to create economic stability. Assuage fears of employees in resource extraction. Find organizations that provide re-training for new green technology. Greening up industry. Limiting / decreasing corporate power in the daily lives of Canadians. Regional Ecology - Fish farms. Security Restoring retirement age to 65 with full pension accessible at time of retirement. Guaranteed Living Income for ALL Canadians. Regional food security. Water: quality and security. Access to Unbiased Information CBC – the importance of our national broadcaster. Restoring “Freedom of the Press”. Expanding local media. New and better access to Internet Media. New resources and ‘channels’. Concern re the concentration of the ownership of media in...

Minutes: NIPR EDA – 12/19/2014

Present Sue Moen Dave Ferguson Linda Swanton Leroy McFarlane Ian Button Jonathan Kerr Regrets Michael Mascall Doug Cowell Mark de Bruijn   Call to Order   Nomination of meeting secretary Jonathan   EDA committee positions  CEO Sue Moen   Financial Agent Dave Ferguson   Communications committee Communications Chair = Linda Jonathan Financial / Fundraising committee Fundraising Chair = Sue Moen Leroy Dave   Membership / Volunteer committee Membership Chair = pending   Candidate Search committee Organizing Chair = pending   EDA Processes Internal communications Please include entire EDA on initial email discussions If you would rather not be a part of further discussion (Please decline further discussion on an email discussion if you wish.) Committees May have individual conversations and then report back to the EDA. Please include committee name in subject line of emails Submit report to CEO prior to EDA meetings Meetings Agenda and committee reports EDA members are expected review committee reports prior to the meeting Meetings will focus on the future Member / Media inquiries Directed to CEO Will be forwarded to appropriate committee as needed   EDA Document Update Paperwork completed, except for Elizabeth May’s email Note: CEO has 30 days after AGM, or any change to EDA Executive, to complete the Registry Update. Action Items: a) Jonathan will send Elizabeth May’s executive assistant’s contact information to Dave and Sue (Jaymini Bhikha jaymini.bhikha@greenparty.ca) b) Dave will send completed forms to GPC / Elections Canada   Financial Update Bank account pending (awaiting official EDA approval) $6,100 from prior EDA was transferred to GPC after last election Exact amount of EDA seed money from GPC pending...

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