Line-up for Nanaimo town hall shows people care about the country

Feb. 15, 2018 Dear editor, I went to Nanaimo on Friday, Feb. 2 for PM Trudeau’s town hall. I didn’t even try to get inside, but talked to people in the line who were waiting to get in. There were people who had concerns about Kinder Morgan, LNG, electoral reform, the opioid crisis, the national housing strategy, and much more. I was astounded at the number of people who waited hours outside. Even at 11 a.m. people were lined up for what would probably be the equivalent of four or five city blocks, and that’s after people lining up since 8 a.m. had been slowly entering the hall. I was so heartened by the number of people who are engaged enough and who care enough to have made the trip to Nanaimo. I was especially heartened to see so many young people in the line. They are the people who are going to inherit our government, and the world we leave them. Many of the ones I spoke to were aware of all the various issues, including electoral reform, both federally and provincially in B.C. Some of these people who waited hours may have been there just to see their prime minister in action; this is also a laudable goal. Whether in support or in opposition to PM Trudeau, people care about how their country and province are run. People may not vote because they’re disillusioned, but they care. If we had an electoral system provincially or nationally that represented more of the voters, more of those many people in line in Nanaimo, I think the number of people...

Reader pens response to MLA’s Site C Dam explanation email

From The Comox Valley Record, February 8, 2018 Dear Ms Ronna-Rae Leonard, In kind response to your mass email, “A word on Site C from Ronna-Rae Leonard, MLA for Courtenay-Comox To those who emailed me regarding Site C” Seems to me you say: ‘I can not say it was the wrong decision to continue the Site C project’, maybe so. But I for one will say it is not only wrong, it is a terrible decision. First, we were told: “We cannot cancel the Site C project due to the fact we would have to add $4 billion right away to our balance sheet, and we just can’t do that”. That is an incorrect and misleading statement at best. The new NDP government cancelled the tolls on the Port Mann and Golden Ears bridges, and thereby adding $4.6 billion to our dept instantly and with no hesitation. Meaning, Premier Horgan and his team took away tolls on two bridges and gave us Site C! What a bargain! Fancy that, an election goodie for an ill-advised and unnecessary project, that my unborn grandchildren will not see the last rate-payer payment on, ever. Second, your NDP government traded some 2,000 jobs for seven to nine years, and then what? Build another dam to keep providing jobs for a mainly transient work force? With this project you have blown nearly all future green energy jobs out the door and existence, with this massive over-supply of electrical power. The net result is this, no private investment in alternative energy, no engineering, ‘know-how’ nor design jobs, no manufacturing jobs nor installation and maintenance jobs for...

Green Party focuses on more than environment

  Re: “Green Party’s challenge,” editorial, Jan. 11. In general, I agree with some of the points made in the editorial. However, I would like to point out a couple of areas that require clarification.   Contrary to what many still believe, the B.C. Green Party is not simply focused on the environment. The 2017 election platform (available on the website) covered a full spectrum of issues with an emphasis on modernizing the way we view economic growth and the creation of a healthy, prosperous society. The party does believe fundamentally that every policy decision must take a holistic, evidence-based approach because we all know it is not possible to have a strong economy and an equitable society without paying close attention to environmental sustainability at every step. Just look at the catastrophic climate-change-related events recently in the U.S. to see the results of short-sighted political decision-making in action. And I would certainly argue that the passing of the referendum on proportional representation this fall would not only benefit the Greens, it would benefit every voter by making everyone’s vote count. Over and over, people say they would have voted Green, but didn’t want to “waste” their vote on a candidate they didn’t think could win. Assuming (and hoping!) the PR referendum is successful, I strongly suspect that the Greens could win the majority of seats in 2021. Then we’ll see what a truly modern, progressive and fair government looks like. Rita Fromholt...

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