Our 2021 Coldest Night of the Year Success!

The Green Party team in the Comox Valley raised $3160 for the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY).  The CNOY in the Comox Valley provides funds for Dawn to Dawn and Comox Valley Transition Society.  These are really important social action groups providing support to homeless people and women and children who are in the middle of family disruptions.  It was great to see Greens supporting local social actions both by fundraising and walking in a socially distant...

October 2020 Newsletter

Message from the NIPR Greens It’s hard to believe it’s November. We’ve been dealing with COVID-19 for what feels like a very long time, and we’re all weary of it. One of the main effects for groups like ours is the inability to have in-person meetings and events. I think it’s safe to say many of us now know more about Zoom than we ever thought possible. And speaking of Zoom, it’s time for our … This year the AGM has to be virtual. The good news is that this means people can join us electronically who wouldn’t be able to make the journey to attend in person. Our meeting will be in two parts. Well, it will be two Zoom meetings, actually.  The first part will be the business portion of the AGM, which will be open only to voting members of the Green Party of Canada. A voting member is one who has been a member in good standing for 30 days. So, you must have gotten your membership by October 15 in order to attend. Normally our AGMs are open to anyone interested with only members allowed to vote. In an in-person AGM, members have to sign in, so that we can verify they are members, and voting members get voting cards. Because we have to do this on Zoom, we have no way of verifying the people who vote are actually voting members, so we are having to restrict attendance to verified members.  WHEN:    Saturday, November 14, 2-3 pm. (We are going to open the meeting at 1:30 if anyone wants to join us...

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