What’s happening with NIPR?
The Greens of North Island-Powell River (NIPR) Electoral District Association (EDA) Executive have been working hard. Megan Ardyche started organizing a series of cross-Canada Zoom sessions with all the candidates for the Green Party of Canada’s Federal Council election. All the videos are available on NIPR’s YouTube page. You might especially want to watch the BC candidates and the Non-Regional candidates.
The NIPR Executive is also continuing to work on our Communications strategy and our Strategic Plan, and more information will be coming on that.
Green Party of Canada (GPC) Leadership Race
There are currently two approved candidates: Annamie Paul and David Merner. Have a look at the GPC website for information on leadership race. There are also other contestants who have put their name forward but who are not yet approved. There is a round-table discussion scheduled for April 18. All the leadership contestants have been invited. It should be very interesting.
Online voting will open from September 26, 2020 to October 3, 2020 and will be available to all eligible voting members.
Here are all the candidates we are aware of at this point:
Annamie Paul
Twitter I Facebook I Instagram I Website
David Merner
Twitter I Facebook I Instagram I Website
Alex Tyrrell
Facebook I Instagram I Website
Amita Kuttner
Twitter I Facebook I Instagram I Website
Dimitri Lascaris
Twitter I Facebook I Website
Judy N Green
Twitter I Facebook I Instagram I Website
Federal Council and Young Greens Council Elections
The following positions are the ones we in BC can vote for (two year terms):
- Vice President - English
- Fund Representative
- British Columbia Representative
First Nations
If you want to know more about what is happening in legal challenges to the Coastal GasLink pipeline, join RAVEN Trust and the Council of Canadians for a three-part webinar series focused on national resistance to LNG – aka fracked gas. Webinars 1 and 2 have been completed and recorded. They are available at the links below. Webinar 3 is scheduled for April 28th at 4:00PM PDT. Register at the web site listed for Webinar 3.
Webinar 1 VIDEO: We Are Un-Frackable – With Adam Gagnon and Mike Sawyer (https://raventrust.com/2020/
Webinar 2 VIDEO: Creativity, Tenacity and Community: The Key Ingredients Behind Legal Challenges for Climate Justice (https://raventrust.com/2020/
Webinar 3, April 28, 4 pm Pacific: We are Un-Frackable with Robin Tress of Council of Canadians & special guests TBA (https://mailchi.mp/raventrust/
In Profiles in Green, we will showcase individuals (or businesses) who are leaders in the personal or economic changes needed to ensure a livable future for the next seven generations. If you know of individuals (or businesses) who may be candidates for Profiles in Green, write to us at northislandgreens@gmail.com. We’d love to profile individuals and businesses from throughout the riding.
COVID-19 Provincial Support and Information
We at the NIPR Executive hope you are all doing well. Here is a link to information and resources in BC, including everything from symptoms to help with housing to help for businesses, and much more.
Check out NIPR’s calendar of events on a regular basis. You may see upcoming events there before a newsletter goes out.
We’re always looking for events happening in our riding of interest to Greens wherever they live. They don’t have to be Green events. As you’ll see from the calendar, many of the events showcased here have to do with issues that matter to us as citizens, no matter what our political party of choice. And many are events being put on my groups whose work we as Greens support. If you know of events in your community that you think might interest Green supporters, write to the NIPR Greens and let us know. Please provide as much information as possible, with links to the relevant Facebook or event page.
Of course, the coronavirus, COVID-19, is wreaking havoc with so many plans. All in-person events are cancelled for the time being. But that doesn’t mean your local Greens are going to be slacking off. And check out the Green Party of Canada’s Events calendar for GPC webinars that are coming up
April 19, 3 pm Pacific time
Encore Zoom session with Non-Regional candidates for Federal Council
If you’re not on Facebook, the link is https://zoom.us/j/97974521770?pwd=UHdLdGJ4SXRlcW9XVjFHVUJsV3JBZz09.
April 22, 5 pm Pacific time
50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Linda Solomon Wood In Conversation
1. Tzeporah Berman: Is a green economy possible?
Tuesday April 21, 4 p.m. Pacific Time, 7 p.m. Eastern Time
Register Here.
2. Noam Chomsky: Is a new economy possible?
Thursday April 23, 4 p.m. Pacific Time, 7 p.m. Eastern Time
Register Here.
April 28, 4 pm Pacific time
RAVEN Trust Webinar 3 Coast to Coast, We are UnFrackable with Robin Tress of Council of Canadians & special guests TBA
Greens are defined by a personal responsibility to the community, the quality of decisions we make, and our ability to defend those decisions. We are not responsible for the success or failure of other political entities, and Greens are committed to earning the respect of voters.
Official NIPR email:
Your NPR Executive:
Megan Ardyche, Comox
Doug Cowell, Courtenay
Elizabeth Crum, Campbell River
Blair Cusack, Courtenay
Mark de Bruijn, Courtenay
Susan Holvenstot, Courtenay
Heather Jones, Port Hardy
Susan Short, Powell River
Carol Thatcher, Courtenay
Chris Tithecott, Campbell River
Jay Van Oostdam, Comox
© 2020 Greens of North Island - Powell River Approved by the official agent.